Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Proportional Circle Maps

Flow Map

The map shows the current flow of water through the Everglades. It also shows the past water flow and future predictions.

Scatter Plot

Star Plot

Black and White Aerial Photo

This is a Black and White Aerial Photo of the Bryant University campus. In this aerial shot you can see the Unistructure, gym, parking lots, dorms and Stump Pond.
Statistical Map

This image can be found at: whatilearnd.com/post/38167638/world-oil-reserves
Any kind of data that can be expressed numerically and varies in quantity from place to place can be used in Statistical maps. This is a map of the worldwide proved oil reserves as of 2007. Each numerical number represents barrels in the thousand million. The Middle East vastly holds the top number of oil reserves at 755.3 thousand million with Asia Pacific holds the least at 40.8 thousand million.
Dot Distribution Map

The Dot Distribution Map uses dots to represent a value such as population. In this map of the United States, each dot represents 100,000 people.
Propaganda Map

Mental Map

Hypsometric Map

This is a 3D Hypsometric Map, which shows the different levels of relief. This type of maps helps to define the environmental potential that can be developed along the waterway.
Cadastral Map

This image can be found at: www.icsm.gov.au/mapping/maps_cadastral.html (If you click on the image located at the URL site, a much larger and detailed image of the map is provided.)
A Cadastral Map commonly includes ownership and boundary details, such as survey district names, positions of existing structures, section and/or lot numbers and their respective areas, adjoining and adjacent street names and selected boundary dimensions. The above Cadastral Map idenifies individual pracels of land in relationship to each other. Additional information is also shown, such as each pracels size, who owns the land and what it is used for. The Cadastral information has been overlaid onto a Topographical map.
Topographic Map

Thematic Map

Public Land Survey System Map

Planimetric Map

This image can be found at: realestate.potlatchcorp.com/.../REparcel23.asp
A Planimetric map indicates only the horizontal positions of features, without regard to elevation. This kind of map is also known as a line map. In the image above, the map is indicating that the Big School property is located adjacent to the Forest Service complex in Pierce, Idaho.